Letter to London…

Tomorrow I start a new series at church called “Letter to London” – preaching through the whole book of Ephesians to discover its awesome rich truth and wisdom for life in London today… we start with chapter 1v1-6










I cant begin to tell you how my understanding and applying the Bible to my life for the last 25 years of being  a born again Christ follower has blessed me. It is an awesome book, and when I made the shift to understand that it was intended to be “from God to me,”  my life was awesomely changed. 

Ephesians is filled with rich truth and life application, so join me on this journey of discovery… How about reading through the book yourself in one sitting, and then slowly going through it a few verses at a time daily for as long as it takes. It will refresh and strengthen your faith HUGELY. Remember: Faith comes by hearing the Word, but faith also goes when you neglect the Word. Let the next season be a season of faith coming, being strengthened, and being refreshed!

PS – Whats your favourite/most meaningful verse/part of Ephesians? Why not leave it as a comment below? Or maybe you have a question from Ephesians – ask it and I’ll try my best to respond.

2 thoughts on “Letter to London…

  1. My most memorable – written in my Bible by a youth-worker when I was 12 – is Ephesians 5:1-2, “Since you are God’s dear children, you must try to be like him. Your life must be controlled by love, just as Christ loved as and gave his life for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice that pleases God.

    My most meaningful in recent years is Eph 1:3-6. In particular that God’s purpose for me was to be adopted as his son, that it’s through Christ alone, and that that in itself brings Him pleasure. That’s what you call good news!

  2. Pingback: From Ephesus to London to the World « Life Encounters

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